A simple ideation framework to develop ingenious app development ideas
A simple ideation framework to develop ingenious app development ideas
Mobile app designers typically have a preferred phase of the design process. For many, the ideation phase is noticeable. You can open your mind to new ideas, explore endless possibilities, and let your imagination run free. This is the one moment of creative play that you can use to the maximum and hardly anyone complains about it.
App development ideas come in different ways and in different directions. EineGrößepasstnichtfüralle. You can take several scenarios to brainstorm and test app ideas. You can do so many exercises - really, there is no limit. But if you do not want to get out of bed and forget about the next steps in the app development process, you need definitive ideal frameworks to keep you afloat.
Let's say you've been busy researching, collecting valuable data from end users, developing the descriptions and travel of your buyer, and are now ready to move on to the next step - a depth in brainstorming.
1. Run an idea workshop
Start the process by involving your entire team. An ideal way to mix 360-degree ideas is to invite all members to a team workshop. App designers should take center stage during this plenary session. The rest of the fellowship cultivation can become creative, true, but they are the designers who, unlike others, pinpoint the image of app development. There was no team that could not share anecdote about the discrepancies between design expectations and the reality of non-niche people!
Idea workshops are always creative encounters. At least you will not see two thirds of your colleagues with a leg out of the door!
Remember that you need to spend some time preparing for the workshop. Concentrate on supporting the team, completing the task and resolving the problem. Make the research data available and set the room. Once that's done, you can open the brainstorming process by talking to some user personalities and talking about the problem in more detail.
Heat the atmosphere by setting a Time Challenge. If you have not heard of the Pomodoro technique, it is now so good to try it. Do 20-minute sessions and spend too little time finding errors. Just start the ideas and let them turn into better versions in the following sessions.
2. Make a voice with the NUF test
Collect all ideas and vote. At this point in time, you can start using a broader app development team and was not all on the company's payroll. Post-it notes work perfectly in workshops. Instruct people to write their IDs on sticky notes and put them on a whiteboard.
It really makes the difference to a positive teamwork atmosphere when the entire agency participates in this fun interactive exercise. The main goal of the workshop, however, is to apply this innovative app development trick and solve the user problem. This will help you find it - to accelerate the speed of the final choice, use the NUF test.
Take the prevailing ideas and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 based on three basic criteria (NUF) - Innovation, Usefulness, and Feasibility:
N: Is the brand new IDEA pre-used?
U: Does the idea solve the user problem without restoring?
Q: Can it be implemented without unknowable resources?
Obviously, the decision made with this reconciliation can be measured, and many of the thought concerns are removed from the pregnancy process.
3. Go to pen and paper prototypes
Even if they are a digital prototype, pen and paper prototyping can provide added value that can bring you back into the early creative process. The added zing of pen and paper may arise from the fact that you use your intuitive brain, which usually recovers when you prototype on a computer.
There is also a chance that customers focus more on the process than on the visual impact and draw one or two lines. This can only be considered if winners collaborate during app development with someone pulling the strings for the last call.
Papierdesignistmöglicherweisenichtperfekt. However, it should not worry at this stage as the next step will improve on imperfect sketches.
4. Dive into the detailed design with Wireframing
Although many people think that mobile app developers only play and play with wireframes all day long, this is certainly not true. This may be the impression created by the many simple and affordable wire-drawing tools that are easy to access, even if you are a beginner designer.
Once you've completed this idea and sketch, pre-built drag-and-drop wireframes make the rest of the process pretty simple.
In fact, the "meat and potatoes" of app development have much to do with the previous ones, and less with beautification. When you improve the visuals, valuable hours can be spent recreating the content and structure later. Create a solid layout for these major app development items and save the makeup for the end.
Another reason why you do not want to mix visuals with content is the feedback. The Work In Progress may impact the subsequent versions of the mobile app. Lets work for you by eliminating confusion before you pull the curtain down.
If you've come this far during app development - congratulations! You are going beyond the brainstorming process and have perhaps even developed a ready-to-use product. However, in practice, it takes little time to develop a product, even though the idea was so great and many have devised their app developer friends.
Do some more tests and check the performance of the app in the real world. But if you have a clear idea, you have at least a basic tool to get this phase of the design process right.
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