DB Software Services
IT Services
We offer all possible IT Solutions for your needs such as IT equipment supply, server hardware and rack installations, server and workstation maintenance, software installation and workspace clean-up.
Software Development
DB Software Services offers professional software and website development. Our bespoke software development utilizes the latest C#, Java and Python programming language. Web Design is fully responsive, modern, easily editable and secure websites for your every business needs.
Virus Protection and Backup Services
We guarantee high security and reliability for your software and hardware by providing Virus Protection and Data Backup, Migration and Recovery.
Hardware Setup
When it comes to equiping your employees and IT with state of the art hardware, you have the choice between remote setup support and our premium, on-site engineers. The on-site enginees can be booked in 2h-slots depending on your service level agreement.
Consulting Services
When it comes to planning your IT leave nothing to chance with DB Software Service Consulting. Our knowledgeable and experienced IT managers assist you with ideas and hands on support.
Kontakt: | - |
Ort: | -, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland (United Kingdom) |
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