Welcome to Buxiz 3 Dollars Home Business Program
Buxiz 3 Dollars Home Business Program Works Like This
At Buxiz 3 Dollars Home Business Program you can make $2,566,863.30 just by referring 3 people!
There is a single life-time membership fee. $3! There are a bit fee for Alertpay or PayPal and admin fee. This fee enables us to give you 180 very valuable and informative e-books worth $1000+. You need to acquire as many as you can because you are being paid for direct and indirect referrals.
Members earn money for indirect referrals. This means that you do not only gain money for every person you refer, but you also get paid for the referrals referred by your sponsors and then for their referrals and so on, 15 levels deep. The above table is an example which demonstrates how your earnings will accumulate.
The example shows that you can make $2,566,863.30 by referring 3 people, but as we do not limit the number of your direct referrals and the direct referral commission is $0.5 , you may refer as many as you can and therefore earn quite a bit more. So what is there to lose? In the worst case 3 dollars, which less than a burger.
Preis: | Verhandlungsbasis |
Ort: | 89613 Oberstadion |
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