Stichwort: Art

9230 Treffer für den Tag "Art"
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Survey Data Collector in Germany | Flexible Part-Time

Now is the Best Time to Apply! | Easy Paid Task ! Please take a 30-minute survey about the News Relevancy on a social media site to make some extra cash on top of your other projects. You can complete this survey once per week. Join us now!... weiterlesen

Chancen Macher und Paarberater Nähe Ansbach

Für alternative Eheberatung Nähe Ansbach bietet der Chancen Macher individuelle Termine in seiner Praxis für psychologische Beratung in Leutershausen an. Inhaber und Mentalcoach Thomas Weber hält mit seinen Klienten diskret und individuell nach p... weiterlesen

Kartenlegen Job Saarbrücken und ü-all Jobangebot Esoterikline Hellsehen Berater werden Astrologie keine Gewerbescheinpflicht

Kartenlegen Job Jobangebote - sehr hohes Kundenvolumen, Bezahlung aller Gratisgespräche, keine Gewerbescheinpflicht, liebevolles Betreuungsteam. Esoterikline sucht Berater - Hellsehen, Kartenlegen, Tarot, Astrologie, Pendeln Liebe Hellseher/innen... weiterlesen

BestEffect - Hello!Face N1 day & night cream

Hello!Face N1 day & night cream - BestEffect Produkt: Wohltuender Allrounder für strahlend schöne, perfekt gepflegte Haut. Wirkung: Die intensive Pflege aus wertvollen Pflanzenextrakten nährt Deine Haut und pflegt sie mit einem natürl... weiterlesen

The Elixir - Quelle der ewigen Jugend! BestEffect

The Elixir - Quelle der ewigen Jugend! - BestEffect   Während der Suche nach der Quelle der ewigen Jugend unaufhaltsam weiter geht, haben Forscher jetzt in einer Studie die Quelle des Alterns entdeckt. Es ist ein Mangel an Kollagen!   Kollage... weiterlesen

89,90 €incl. ges. Umsatzsteuer

BestEffect - Geschenkgutschein - Voucher

BestEffect „Geschenkgutschein'' schenken zum: - Geburtstag - Hochzeit - Weihnachten - Ostern - Hochzeitstag - Wichteln - Valentinstag - oder einfach mal so ;-) Schenken Sie Ihren Liebsten einen Geschenkgutschein zum Wohlbefinden in For... weiterlesen

Marshalls LQR

Marshalls LQR wurde 2020 in Baden-Baden von Julius Hilger gegründet. Marshalls LQR steht für alle Sinne, da Julius Hilger ein Genussmensch ist! Eine Company die sich voller Leidenschaft dem Genuss verschrieben hat. Die erste Auswahl an Drinks ist w... weiterlesen

Search Evaluator for Turkish Speaker in Germany | Flexible Part-Time

Improve Search Results on one of the largest E-Commerce Website's! As an evaluator, your job is to analyze if the content, images, video, and/or advertising is relevant. We're looking for Search Engine Evaluators who have a good sense of unders... weiterlesen

Search Engine Optimization for German Speakers in Germany | Flexible Online Work

Do you want to be a part of something bigger? Do you enjoy researching, learning new things, organizing, and labeling? We do too! Appen is the global leader in data for the AI Lifecycle. With more than 25 years of experience in data sourcing, data... weiterlesen

Handwriting Collection | Flexible Part-Time in Germany

Do you get excited about new technology and enjoy trying out new apps? Do you have an Android device with a built-in stylus? If so, this project is for you! At Appen, we are working with our customers to decrease bias, and strive for inclusive Art... weiterlesen

Data Entry for English Speakers in Germany | Flexible Work

We are looking for English Speakers in Germany ? Work from home opportunity with flexible hours ? Opportunity to participate in more than one project Project Description: The task consists of a total of 600 short sentences that you need to... weiterlesen

Speech Data Collection in Germany | Flexible Part-Time (Easy Paid Task)

Are you ready to help a leading technology company and contribute to the improvement of voice recognition systems? Appen is looking for audio recordings in German to train and develop algorithms for artificial intelligence systems. These audio rec... weiterlesen

Transcription (German Speakers) Flexible Online Work

Project Overview: In this project, you will listen to audio files, answer some questions and rate the files according to provided guidelines and conventions. • Enjoy flexible hours in this project • Work from home set up • Opportunity to pa... weiterlesen

Virtual Assistant Validator for Russian Speakers | Flexible Online Work

In project Arrow Butler, you will help tune virtual assistants used by billions of people by looking at a task and writing a query for it, validating existing queries, and thinking of different ways of asking the questions. Person Specification:... weiterlesen

Speech Data Entry for French Speakers in Germany | Freelance Work

Help improve speech and language technology for a voice assistant! Your participation in the Sixes project will help improve voice assistant technology for your language. You will be reading and recording a series of prompts by following the instr... weiterlesen

Search Evaluator | Flexible Working Hours - Anywhere in Germany

Perform basic online tasks to evaluate the quality and relevance of internet-based search results. Project Overview: The purpose of this task is to categorize the content creators list to its appropriate channel content. No experience is neces... weiterlesen

Gartenbewässerung aus Polen, Rasenberegner, Versenkdüsen HUNTER

Firma ARTEGARDENS aus Polen bietet Ihnen hochwertige, profesionelle Bewässerungssysteme für Ihren Rasen und Garten. Wir planen, montieren und warten die vollautomatisierten Rasenberegnungsanlagen der Firma HUNTER in Berlin, Brandenburg und Sachsen.... weiterlesen

4000 €

Transcription - Validation with Edits (Easy Paid Task)

Read and categorize short phrases in your language. Make edits whenever mistakes are spotted following the guidelines criteria. • Work from home with flexible hours • Short-term earning potential No experience is necessary, all you need is:... weiterlesen

Gemüsegarten Garten Acker Selbstversorger Feld zur saisonalen Pacht

Sie möchten sich gesünder ernähren & haben schon immer davon geträumt gemeinsam mit Ihren Freunden & Familie Ihr Obst & Gemüse selbst anzubauen. Nun sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer Möglichkeit Ihren Traum Realität werden zu lasse... weiterlesen

189 €

Linguistic Text Annotation in Germany (English to German)

Improve and expand translation resources for everyone from travelers to teachers to indigenous communities! At Appen, we are working with our customers to decrease bias, and strive for inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI) that works for everyone... weiterlesen

Social Media Assessor in Germany | Flexible Online Work

If you love social media and are an active user, now is the time to get paid for your time on social media platforms while in the comfort of your home! Review, judge, and rank search queries and products across a social media platform. Specifica... weiterlesen

Freelance Translator in Germany

We are seeking individuals who are looking for an exciting work-from-home opportunity. Our team’s mission is to deliver the best data solutions and expertise to developers of AI for communication, driven by our passion for innovation and our love o... weiterlesen

Social Media Content Analyst - Flexible Work From Home

Get Paid with an Easy Task Join Us Now! Help us connect end-users with valuable event posts, to strengthen positive communities. If you are a social media savvy individual with great critical thinking skills and a desire to help others build comm... weiterlesen

Smart Assistant Validator (German Speaking) WFH

What is a Smart Assistant Validator? You will help tune virtual assistants used by billions of people by looking at a task and writing a query for it, validating existing queries, and thinking of different ways of asking the questions. Appen perf... weiterlesen

Kartenlegen Job Bayreuth und ü-all Jobangebot Esoterikline Hellsehen Berater werden Astrologie keine Gewerbescheinpflicht

Sehr hohes Kundenvolumen - Ohne Pflicht zur Vorlage eines Gewerbeschein - Berater*in werden! Kartenlegen - Berater Esoterik Job Astroline: Machen Sie Ihre Leidenschaft zum Beruf! Sie lieben es anderen Menschen Lebenshilfe zu geben, können mit Ih... weiterlesen

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